Hammer Shotgun
水平: 4
重量: 4.57 кг.
耐久力: 357000

Automatic shotgun that once existed only in a few copies. Later it was redeveloped and reintroduced to production based on a private anonymous order.

火灾率 4
范围 60
损伤 15
穿甲弹 30
传播 0.02

弹药: 12/70 0000 , 12/76 0000 , 12/70 Bullet , 12/70 00 , 12/76 Bullet , 12/76 00 , 12/70 RB , 12/76 RB , 12/70 OP

附加组件: XSX , UKON-M

标签: 没有

游戏内成本: 30000 银