PPS for Victory Day (1 day)
水平: 5
重量: 3 кг.
耐久力: 500000

Ivent item. For personal use. This item will disappear after 1 day from the moment of purchase. "Papasha" ("Daddy"). A submachine gun from WW2. For true connoisseurs of vintage. The 9M model also known as TGFV ("Thank Grandfather For Victory").

火灾率 13
范围 80
损伤 55
穿甲弹 25
传播 0.005

弹药: 7.62x25 , 7.62x25 HP , 7.62x25 NL , 7.62x25 RB , 7.62x25 AP , 7.62x25 HPT

标签: 没有

游戏内成本: 不作为产品销售