S Suit
Scientist's Suit
水平: 4
重量: 5.3 кг.
耐久力: 70000

WARNING! The suit removes most of the current positive effects, replacing them with its own. The repaired suit from dense glass-fiber fabric with the closed system of biological purification of air. Charging of internal system of disinfecting isn't infinite. It is not recommended to wear after eating!

承重能力: 20 Kg.

600 500 600 600 400 600
躯干 600 550 600 600 400 600
护肩 600 550 600 600 400 600
600 550 600 600 400 600
大腿 600 550 600 600 400 600
600 550 600 600 400 600

标签: 没有

游戏内成本: 90340 银