Weekly PvE event

28 December, 2024
The event where you have to kill 2000/800/400 mutants of certain types in batches of 500/200/100, is now weekly and repeats every weekend with no additional announcement. If we launch it during some holidays, we will announce it separately.
We also expanded the list of mutants.
Every weekend, from beginning of day on Saturday (12.01 am) till end of day on Sunday (11.59 pm) Moscow time, kill the following mutants:
Pups/Dogs - 2000 total, in batches of 500
Brownies/Hobgoblins - 2000 total, in batches of 500
Spiders/small spiders - 2000 total, in batches of 500
Rats - 2000 total, in batches of 500
Fiends - 800 total, in batches of 200
Verliokas - 800 total, in batches of 200
Jellies - 800 total, in batches of 200
Brutors - 800 total, in batches of 200
Blyaks - 400 total, in batches of 100
Basilisks - 400 total, in batches of 100
Sorcerers - 400 total, in batches of 100
Worms - 400 total, in batches of 100
You will get rewards for each batch (rations, injectors, grenades, ammo), and for the total required amount - 10 lottery tickets.
After each 10 mutants killed, you will get notifications in the game chat (In rare cases, the notifications may be missed, but this will not affect your rewards). If you kill the first batch of mutants A, and then the first batch of mutants B (for example, 500 pups and 100 blyaks) - you get two identical rewards for both batches.
If you are done killing all the mutants, the quest will restart.
If you did not manage to kill all the mutants, just wait for the next similar event and pick up where you left off.
We are planning to expand this activity mechanics to other things, like artifacts. Stay tuned for more news! We are also planning to add new rating tables to our site, so you can conveniently watch your progress and compare it to your friends'.