Stalker Claus

25 December, 2024
A classified note from the Military offciers:
Sightings of some weird creatures were registered. The creatures's names are almost identical: Дед_Мороз in the Zone sector known by code name "Ru" and Grandfather_Frost in the sectors known as Steam PVE and Steam PVP. The names may have variations such as Дед_Мороз2, Grandfather_Frost2 etc. Our agent attempted to contact them and this is what he reports:
- The creatures are immune to any kind of effects and any weapons
- They do not accept any trade offers
- Their speech and behaviour suggests that they are human beings, or very good copies thereof
- They appear in random spots of the Zone, drop to the ground various items that can be used by stalkers and disappear
- Note: Looks like all of them belong to the same clan called "KM". What does it mean? Kilometers? Killer Mutants? Our deciphering department is still working on that question.
Our secret service agent suggested that those creatures may be one of the embodiments of the so-called "Masters of the Zone". However, we suspect he used way too much vodka to draw out radiation, so he shouldn't be trusted that easily. For now, we carry on with the observations...