MK12-SPR (F-Camo, 360 days)
Level: 2
Weight: 4.5 кг.
Durability: 162000

A bonus item with limited time of use. This item will disappear after 360 days from the moment of purchase. Semi-automatic rifle sniper -- swiss-made guns, excellent for the beginner sniper. Thanks to the bullpup, has a compact design, as required in the Zone. Eightfold sight, can detect the enemy before he discovers you. A camouflage variant of MK12-SPR, perfect for a combat on forest-covered territories.

Rate of fire 4
Range 200
Damage 6
Armor-piercing 10
Spread 0.004

Ammo: 5.56x45 ss , 5.56x45 Rem , 5.56x45 AP , 5.56x45 RB , 5.56x45 HPT , 5.56x45 ss

Tags: No

In-game cost: 21150 Silver